Your Happy Place

We all have that special place that calls to us, calms us, and restores us. It can be anywhere for anyone. One person’s place could seem so strange to someone else, but to that individual it makes complete sense. That feeling of total peace when we are in that spot, usually in silence just soaking it all in. For a lot of people it is out in nature somewhere taking in all the grandeur and beauty. To other’s it could be the gym sweating out the toxins and creating endorphins for the rest of your day. For some you could have multiple places that create that feeling for you. For others you are still trying to find that one spot, on that journey still to find that harmony and peace in your life. Finding that spot actually brings so much harmony and balance into our life because we are being restored and almost fixed in a way. We’re taking time to just be in that spot that even if we sit in silence the whole time we feel so refreshed. We use that spot to meditate, pray, process thoughts… etc. That one space where we can think so incredibly clearly. Where we can sit, breathe deeply, and focus on all the beauty that surrounds us.

For me that place would be the ocean/sea/water. The calming sound of the water lapping just brings me so much peace and clarity. I can sit in silence staring into the blue either thinking or not thinking at all and just zoning out. I go by myself or with others, but usually if I really want to think I will go alone. I feel a deep connection with the ocean. I am always in awe of the greatness and mystery underneath the surface. We really have so much more of the ocean to explore we don’t know what could be hiding in those deep blue waters. That sparks my curiosity as well as not entirely frightens me, but I would say unnerves me just slightly. I am captivated though by the greatness and mystery, but also the calmness. My Greek word for the week for you then would have to be Thalassic


Thalassic- (adj) Relating to the sea.


I relate and connect to the water, the blueness, the light reflecting off the waves, the mystery…. I also find it so amazing how different the ocean can be. For example the Oregon Coast is so grand with hills and cliffs over looking the large waves crashing on the shores. The water is freezing and the undertow is incredibly strong though so I never swim. I will just wade a bit and then walk along the beach. The wind is strong too… the elements on the Oregon Coast are very grandiose and extreme. That’s what makes it so unique and beautiful. The water around Greece is a completely different story. I could stay in the water there forever if I was able to. The water is so clear and warm and blue… Even though I love the ocean by the Oregon Coast I would have to say the water around Greece is TRULY my happy place… The calmness surrounding the area. The church bells ringing as little fishing boats bob up and down and the stray cats stalk you to see if you have any scraps. All this as well as well as the pristine water. My happy place.

I don’t get to go back to my happy place very often because it is expensive and takes a long time to get there. Whenever I do see the first sight of Greek land though I start crying because I suddenly feel like I’m truly home. That is such a freeing feeling and one I hope everyone gets to experience. I have to make do with what is around me though since I can’t just hop over to Greece on my private jet whenever I want to. Making do though can be good as well. You are purposely searching for places to feel that happiness and peace. That means you are conscious of the fact you need that time to recharge. Finding other bodies of water still can bring that calming affect and feeling for me. I repeat stories so often about my summer river trips with my dog Melbourne. Those are my moments to recharge….. During the winter it is harder to do this as it’s colder outside, and if you live in the PNW like I do, very wet and rainy! So create that spot for yourself if you need to. Create that safe place where you can just let the weight slide off your shoulders, you can close your eyes, and listen to yourself breath deep and slowly…. Make a spot cozy and welcoming for yourself. For example my bed becomes that spot for me in the winter. I pile pillows and blankets up and then have Christmas lights and candles around me to help create that glow. My little bubble of peace.

Just writing this post has actually been a calming experience for me because it’s making me think about and imagine my happy places. It’s leaving vivid images in my brain of Greece. Through all my rambling though and descriptions I hope you grasped onto what I was trying to get at and say. We all deserve to have that happy place. In fact we all NEED that happy place for our own sanity. Our spot where nothing can harm us or affect us. That little bubble where time stands still and we can regroup and recharge ready to face the next thing life sends our way. Taking these times for ourselves will help our health overall. Our mental health will improve because we feel at peace and refreshed. Our emotional health will improve because we’ve taken the time out of our busy day to focus on us, on grounding ourselves. Our physical health will improve because we are taking time to stop, rest and breath, and if our emotions and mentality are healthy our physical health will also improve in leaps and bounds. So take the time to escape to your happy place, focus on your breath and don’t let any negativity enter your sacred personal bubble. Xo




Please comment and share your happy place!

10 Comments Add yours

  1. wmeberle says:

    My happy place is by the water also. Right now that is primarily in Annapolis in the harbor and usually on my way into work in the morning. I find the quiet and the movement of the water to be peaceful. If money and time were no object, if be right there in Greece with you, Mikaela. That’s a magical place 🤗🙏😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      I love the water so much!!! Xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. My happy place is in the woods or the mountains. I like green and shade and sunlight filtering through without being harsh in my eyes

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      I love that. So calming! Xo


  3. Millenium Mascot says:

    Having that happy place is sooo important for emotional development. Thanks for sharing in such a brilliant way x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes it so is!!!! Thank you love! Xo


  4. sugisays says:

    Such a great post! I live in the PNW too! Rainy days are so common. I also love the water. The view of the mountains where I live truly bring me peace, specifically when the moon is out. There’s something very powerful I find in the combination of it all. Perhaps it’s an elemental thing.. Or a Cancerian thing 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      That is such a powerful combo!!! I totally agree!


  5. Mine is genuinely my bed with a good book on a rainy day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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