Garlic and Sapphires

Garlic and Sapphires By Ruth Reichl The world of restaurants, food critics and of course food has always been so interesting to me. The art of creating food masterpieces and then a person’s job is to taste and critique these? That sounds like pure heaven to me, and doing it in New York City with…

Thoughts with Mikaela- a series

Part 2 Beauty is the way you hold yourself, how you treat others, how you love, the way you love others and yourself. It is self acceptance. It is grace. Beauty is in your soul. Our soul often enough knows what to do, how to heal itself, to search for the good, to be resilient……

Thoughts With Mikaela- a series

Part One What does a perfect morning look like to you? Does your mind instantly go to those Instagram pictures you have saved of that perfect aesthetic room with plants and mirrors and breakfast in bed? Or snuggled with your partner under blankets just enjoying each other’s company? The sound of gentle rain while soft…


With the shocking passing this Sunday of Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, baseball Coach John Altobelli and his wife and daughter Keri and Alyssa, mother and daughter Sarah and Payton Chester, basketball coach Christina Mauser, and the pilot Ara Zobayan I really wanted to share some love on my next blog post. Life is so…

Final Days in Guatemala

Now that it’s almost three months later I think I should finish up my last Guatemala post! I shared about all the different events that I participated in during the mission’s part of the trip, but my parents and I stayed afterwards in Antigua and Guatemala City for a few days so I wanted to…


As the legend goes, when the phoenix resurrects from the flames, she is even more beautiful than before. – Unknown  The very basic definition of a phoenix that I got off of Wikipedia was; In Ancient Greek folklore, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the…

Meals with Chris

Instagram is so wonderful because it connects you with such amazing people who you might not have met without it! Chris is one of those people. So inspiring, and always positive and supportive. Such a good friend to have in your court and life I think. So I wanted to have him share a bit…

The Final Say is Yours

There is no one we need to change for, but ourselves. There is no one we need to alter ourselves for to fit into their mold and idea of us. No one… We can listen to other’s opinions and hear them out, but in the end WE have the final say when it comes to…

An Afternoon with Natonya

My blog post this week is so much fun! I have a guest blogger for the day. Natonya is such a freaking amazing person… I met her on twitter recently after I started up my personal twitter for my blog. We hit it off immediately and I feel like I’ve known her for so much…


So I wanted to do a little something different today and share a couple metaphors I have found and use to remind myself to look for the good in things as well as to look for the whole picture of life. Often enough we get tunnel vision and forget to broaden our scopes about life,…

Check In With Yourself

Honest check in….. This summer hasn’t been the smoothest for me and it’s not even over yet! Lots of ups and downs and for me there where a couple BIG downs that seemed to overshadow the ups. There are some days when I just want to sit down and cry, or fast forward a bit…

My Hiking Adventure

So today I wanted to do a different style of blog post and share a super fun experience I had this past Monday! I didn’t post a blog post on Monday because I instead drove out to Central Oregon to hike the Green Lake trail! The views out there are so stunning. I always tell…