Being Real

So I wanted to write a little check in post. A post that has been on my heart to write, but I’ve been so busy recently with rehearsals and performances I feel I’ve been slacking a bit on my blog writing. I felt like I’ve been slacking too on thinking up important things to say, being encouraging to others around me, being completely real and open… etc. When you get tired and overwhelmed with life that can happen though, and that is completely okay! And I am being completely real about that. We all have days when we are not okay, we all have days when we have to keep picking ourselves up or are just too tired to even think past what we are working on right in the now. This makes us human, these little bumps are what keep us real and in-tune with the real us. It’s about getting right back up after those bumps, and giving yourself grace, that is what is so important and crucial for our growth.

When we get tired and overwhelmed, dangerous things can happen. We can start comparing ourselves to others, become less satisfied with our progress and feel stuck in place even though we are doing great things ourselves. Everyone blooms at different times though. Everyone is different in their journey, their delivery, and their end goals…. That is what makes life so incredibly exciting and diverse. Everyone is on their own track to create the life they want and some of us get to that destination faster than others do. Inspiration comes in waves and different concentration levels. Just because someone might seem to be a bit more inspired and/or creative than us in a certain area that does not mean we should instantly bash ourselves and start picking at all our flaws. No that is the time we must rally our strengths and remind ourselves that we are different. We aren’t a cookie cutter world, we aren’t a clone army, we are a world of strong individuals each with their own amazing talent and persona to bring to the table.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence is that very famous phrase, so common and many people agree with the fact they’re always looking off and wishing for something else because it looks so much more appealing to them. I am here to say, no the grass is greener where YOU water it. The grass is greener where you personally take the time and focus on your amazing gifts to cultivate and grow them and yourself. If we are always looking off at someone else’s grass then of course theirs will be greener that ours because we aren’t watering our grass at all. To be brutally honest if we are always looking and comparing ourselves to others, always wishing to have different things we will slowly die inside. We will become just a hollow shell, never satisfied, never happy with ourselves. We won’t take the time to meet and really get to know our incredible selves. The grass is greener where you water it….. So water yours!selflove-dylanglynn

That being said, if you need to be a bit selfish to help yourself then do it. Selfish in the way that if something is not beneficial for you, something is not healthy for you in any way, you feel worse about yourself in those situations then don’t do it! Don’t put yourselves purposely in situations where you burn out. There will be moments in life when we burn out yes, but we should never purposely put ourselves in those situations. We don’t live once, we live every single day of our life, and don’t we want to be able to fully live during that day. Fully experience every moment being given to us with bright eyes ready for whatever life throws our way? Exhaustion happens, life happens, we just have to get back up and keep pushing, BUT be a bit selfish for yourself sometimes. Stand up for yourself, because in the long run you are your strongest ally. You are the only one who knows what is going on inside your head, the only one who hears that little voice and feels all the emotions you are feeling inwardly. Be honest with people and truly share how situations or things are making you feel. Don’t stay stuck and live life on autopilot. There are WAY too many exciting things out in life for us to see and accomplish!

To make a long rambling story short. It’s okay to be human and feel things. To slip up and have off days, or even off weeks or longer. It’s okay to not always be okay and be on the struggle bus for a while. It’s okay to stand up for yourself and do the things that set your heart and soul on fire! Nothing is ever definite or set in stone so if you are feeling stuck in a moment, don’t lose hope; you aren’t going to be stuck for good. Looking back at where you were this time last year can put that all into perspective. Look at all the incredible things you accomplished over this past year. All the adventures and experiences that rounded you out to be who you are now! You are definitely not stuck at all. It’s just when you are on the journey itself sometimes it is hard to notice that you are actually moving, actually progressing, and growing. We all grow every day in some little unique way. The you yesterday is not the completely same as the you today or the you tomorrow. So trust the process, trust the bigger picture and enjoy the moments that happen every day around you!



Photo by Eirik Halvorson


15 Comments Add yours

    1. mjaquette says:

      Aw yeah!!! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Gerard Potvin says:

    Being human, to me means I fall, I fail, I make mistakes. I am far from perfect, but strive to learn grow and be better each and every day. So I focus on creating a positive light for others. That is being real to me. Bring a smile to someone, be the reason someone feels better about themselves. Be the reason that allow others to be real.

    As always, your posts are too the heart, from the heart and full of heart. Basically, hearts!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      I love that so much. So important!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gerard Potvin says:

        I knew you would appreciate that, but it truly comes from my heart and sould. My purpose.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. mjaquette says:

        That is a really good purpose!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Chocoviv says:

    Being human means we make mistakes too…. it’s ok:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes it is love!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post and always be real!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. mjaquette says:

        Miss you too love!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We must catch up soon! xo

        Liked by 1 person

      3. mjaquette says:

        Yes! Xoxoxo


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