I Need Time

Needing time is not a sign of weakness. You are not being a wimp by saying you need a moment to regroup. We all need time to regroup our thoughts, re-center ourselves. We’re only human and can’t be super man or super woman 24/7. We are allowed to stop and rest if we need to. It’s the process of learning to rest though, and not stop, that is so important to remember. We are told so often by everything and everyone around us we always have to stay on the grind, WHICH I am not refuting that at all! Being on the grind and working hard for what you want in life is so important and crucial for our growth, ethic, goals… etc. We must however, be alright with taking a little rest if we need it. We don’t want to burn out completely and then not complete our goals at all! Then that defeats all the effort and time we have put into the journey, and maybe even the struggle. No we need to be able to pause once in a while, take a breath, take some time to recollect our thoughts, escape the craziness and find a quiet haven to recharge. Sometimes this will mean you have to stand up for what is right for you. Others might label you as a slacker, but everyone takes their own journey at their own pace. If you need to pause, then pause. If you think you can go and go the entire time without a break, then do it. It is our personal journey, not the person’s beside us, and vice versa.

I often get really focused on a goal and am so motivated to complete all the goals I have set for myself. Along the way though I feel sometimes my motivation doesn’t lessen, but I notice I am getting a little worn out. That doesn’t mean I want to stop my goals, no not at all. I just take a little rest to re-center myself. Re-center my thoughts and my passion for my goals. I refuel myself so I can tackle the journey with even more energy and focus. So I can hit my goals with even more passion when I achieve them. I never view the pauses I take as weakness, instead they are my recharging periods so I can return even stronger. It’s okay to pause! I think of hiking when I need an example. You are on your way to the top, but once in a while you might need to take a break to drink water, take a picture of the scenery, catch your breath, etc. That doesn’t mean you’re turning around and heading back down and not completing the hike. Nope, you are just enjoying the journey. You’re taking everything around you in, enjoying the moment with the people you’re hiking with, or if you are hiking solo you’re soaking in the sounds and sights of nature around you. You get to the top ultimately, and still feel so accomplished even if you paused a couple times!

This goes hand in hand with being vulnerable. With being okay to show the real you. To not always be okay and be okay to show that side of you to those around you! To be brave enough to tell those around you, “hey I need to take a break to re-gather myself. That doesn’t mean I’m quitting, no I’m just taking the rest my body is telling me I need.” Listen to your body, our body will leave signs and signals for us and it’s good to listen. We want to be in tune with our body and know what is best for ourselves in the long run to avoid a burnout.

Taking time to heal can take as much time as you personally need. Everyone’s healing process will be different and we can’t expect those around us to conform to our time, and vice versa. Also don’t feel like you need to speed up your healing process for someone else because they think you’re taking too long. Your heart doesn’t answer to them. They aren’t inside your core seeing the level of healing you need. So if you need to take extra time, or are healing slower than others around you that is okay! You do you boo! It’s a process of letting go of the care of what other’s think of you and focusing on what is best for you. What you need to flourish and become rejuvenated to begin again.

Taking breaks and your healing process can go in waves too. You might take a break and then think you are completely healed and ready to start again, but suddenly get hit with emotions and feel like you’re back at square one. That is okay too. It’s okay after one pause or break to still not be completely better. Just do what is right and best for you. Take it at your speed and soak in all the life lessons being given to you along your journey. These life lessons will help in the long run and process, and you will feel almost like a new person at the end due to all the new things you have learned and experienced. I am currently in the process myself. Getting over someone you truly loved is very difficult. You are in a very raw vulnerable state and are having to pick up the pieces and figure out where they all go again. I have many days where I am completely fine and feel like I am making progress, and then I will have one day where I feel I am back to square one. Those are the days I take a step back, breath, pause what I’m doing, and think of all the things I have learned from this journey. I have found since this journey started I have almost had a self-awakening. A realization that emotions are good, being real is important, being true to yourself is crucial for your survival. It’s okay to not be okay, AND it’s totally fine if someone asks you how you are to not sugar coat it, but tell them the truth. It’s okay to take a step back, a pause to regroup your thoughts and emotions before continuing on. That is all okay and I love that I have figured that out through this process. A lot of the time life throws us tough lessons to really open our eyes to how incredibly amazing and strong we truly are. AND even when we find out how tough we actually are, we become even more resilient when we realize it’s completely okay to take a break. To need time, or almost a time out. That makes us so much stronger, so much more real and genuine too, and that is priceless.


Photo by Stephan Bullard




35 Comments Add yours

  1. Gerard Potvin says:

    The saying, “stop and smell the roses” same as pausing, resting, taking a break. Enjoying the moment maybe. I am all for being busy, at this very moment in my life I am extremely busy, but by choice. When I get the chance and do take a break, it is to enjoy what I have been working so hard for. However, the moments before my busy life began, I would stop and smell the roses quite often.

    The ability to pause is also a great atrribute in conversations. I think people want immediate answers sometimes, but a well thought out response can take a moment. And that is ok, but for some reason in this go go go world it is looked at as being rude. Personally, I would much prefer a well thought out answer then a rushed not well thought answer just to answer.

    If someone isnt willing to give another person the time to reflect, think and pause about someone, then maybe that person isn’t worth their time in the first place.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes yes yes I agree with all of this!! Thank you so much for such a lovely comment!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gerard Potvin says:

        It is my pleasure. I appreciate you sharing all of your wonderful thoughts.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. So nicely written, love your little corner of the internet X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Thank you so much!! Xoxoxo


  3. So nicely written!
    Great post.

    Luke | http://www.lukeheywoodstyle.co.uk

    Liked by 1 person

  4. multipotentialitethoughts says:

    This is so true!!
    I’ve also experienced a lit of situations where all I had to do was take a step back and just regroup my thoughts, and reflect. It’s so rewarding xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      That is so true!!! Xoxoxo


  5. Madiha Jamal says:

    Beautifully written. Taking a break from life and spending some me time is important for your personal growth. You have shared the points that every one feels at some points in their lives.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Thank you so much!!! It’s so important xoxoxo


  6. Jessica says:

    I completely agree with the entire message of this post !! In fact, I’ve been so busy here lately working on certain goals and etc that I haven’t been very accessible for others and I’m totally okay with that! Sometimes you have to take time for YOU in order to really get things done! Great post and Happy Friday! I hope you have a wonderful weekend 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes exactly!!!! Thank you so much girl! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jessica says:

        You’re welcome !! 💕


  7. voguefauxreal says:

    Yep – so very true. It becomes even more necessary to take time outs when you’re working full-time and have a blog on the side. Obviously with home duties and job duties, the blog is what suffers, and when you’re trying to build up a following, it can be really stressful. Knowing when to say when is so important. There’s nothing wrong with telling everybody to back off – you’re taking time for your mental health.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes yes yes!!!! I can’t agree more with you! Thank you for reading!


  8. withcurlsandcocktailsblog says:

    It is definitely a product of a go go go attitude in society. While we should all strive to be our best sometimes it gets to be too much to keep up! I love that you are spreading the message that it is ok to take a second!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes!!! Thank you for reading! Xoxoxo


  9. Whitney C. says:

    Beautiful post! It completely resonated with me; especially the part about taking time out to enjoy your journey. 🖤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Thank you!! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Rebekah says:

    This is so true! It’s taken me awhile to learn this but it’s so important to let ourselves rest and take breaks. Otherwise, we can get burnt out bad or start resenting our responsibilities.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yeah I can’t agree more with you! It’s so important! Xoxoxo


  11. Ray says:

    A lovely read, as always. I deliberately came to your post in the morning this time, because I knew I will have a beautiful message to start the day.

    I agree with all you said. Sometimes I’d feel a little bit of guilt when I feel like I need time off from working on my goals, but most of the time, I manage to get myself out of that feeling by remembering that I am only one person. I can only do so much if I won’t allow myself to rest every now and then.
    Even if it will slow my progress for a little while, it is okay, because once I’m back at it, I will be going even faster.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Wow thank you so much! You made my day with that comment. So appreciate you! You’re so awesome and yes take a pause if you need it! Then just hit the ground running even stronger! Xo

      Liked by 1 person

  12. wmeberle says:

    Beautifully said, Mikaela 🙂 Your point about allowing ourselves time to heal is so important, I think. Giving our hearts, minds, and bodies the opportunity to process events, identify lessons, and then figure out if we want to incorporate those lessons and how.

    Healing our hearts is critically important and also more subject to criticism by others, I believe. Our bodies are, generally, pretty similar and a broken arm is a broken arm and it’s visible. People can relate to seeing an arm in a cast or a sling and, without a word being exchanged, understand that there is healing going on and that certain activities might not be possible at that point in time.

    But, it’s so different with a broken heart. There’s no universal external signal to clue others in unless they are already aware. People generally don’t give us space for healing a heart. And, even if they are aware of the story, that doesn’t mean they understand the impact that it’s having on us as unique individuals. We need to feel comfortable taking time regardless of others lack of understanding. We don’t need to wear a sign around our neck saying “Land of the Broken-hearted, Approach at Your Own Peril”. Perhaps it’s sufficient to just accept that others won’t understand and we don’t need to explain to them. Yes, talk to someone, but we don’t need to talk to everyone…

    Hm, timely and helpful, thank you for these insights, Mikaela!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Love that insight and thoughts!! Thank you! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Sarah Mark says:

    I totally agree with this! Sometimes it is good to just have a few hours or a day to yourself to just do what you want to do, away from everything you need to do!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes exactly!! It saves you from a burnout!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Thank you so much for this amazing post! I know I need to take more time to just relax and take care of myself. I tended to think needing time for myself was a sign or weakness, so this really helped me!! I am looking forward to reading more of your brilliant posts! I do hope if you have time you will check out my site.I try to spread positivity as much as I can!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes take time if you need!!!! Thank you! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh my goodness I definitely will. The weekends are a great time for me to catch up on blogs!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. mjaquette says:

        They really are perfect! Xoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I started working full-time, so during the week I am always exhausted. Weekends are not only a time for me to rest up, but catch up on blogs from others and even my own. I really enjoy getting to know others and find many people to be absolutely amazing. I promise to read more of yours and I know they will be brilliant!!! Xoxoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person

      4. mjaquette says:

        Aw thank you so much love!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. You are more than welcome sweetie!!!

        Liked by 1 person

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