The Road Less Traveled

Okay picture this; a busy highway stuffed with traffic, horns blaring, people yelling, everyone jammed because they are all trying to get to one destination. They all think they have to get to this one place to pick up this one item, happiness. They’ve been told if they stick on this road they’ll eventually get there and receive that happiness for staying on this one highway. Who told them? Oh some celebrity, social media…. Society, some famous person who seems to have it all together. They just have to stay on this big commercial highway to get there…… can you imagine the traffic jam that must be?

Okay now picture this; a small sign on the side of that highway. It’s pretty little, not big like the huge billboards screaming out things you need to buy to succeed in life. No it’s just a little sign that states: Detour- life this way. You turn off the crazy packed highway and start driving down this narrow road that twists and turns through some hills before opening up to a picturesque view. Nature surrounds you. Mountains rise to touch the clear blue sky; there are bodies of water as deep blue as a sapphire twinkling with the sun’s reflection. There are some bumps in the road and definitely some ups and downs with all the mountains, but you reach the top of that one hill and everything just pans out in front of you, crisp and fresh and beautiful calling your name. Not material things, no… nature, animals, the sky…. The pure beauty of life all around you is calling you, and you get to be a part of this all.

So often we get caught up in the fast track, the treadmill almost of life. The need to get this and that to be happy, to be like other seemingly happy people out there. If it’s on social media it must be true right? I find myself often falling victim to this. Seeing a site with smiling people living the perfect life and I suddenly start picking apart mine to find the faults so I can fix them to get that perfect life. What am I doing wrong compared to those people? That’s when the tunnel vision comes in, that’s the traffic jam on that big packed highway when we are all just annoyed and only have society’s goal ahead of us. That’s when we need that breath of fresh air, we need to find that road less traveled.

How can you do that though? What are ways you can remind yourself during your crazy busy day that you need to look up? You need to remember to find your true happiness and what your extremely passionate about, not what someone or something else dictates to you.

One way that really helps me is to actually go out and physically find a road less travelled. Get out into the less populated areas, the places where wildlife and nature is rich and present all around you, and then let yourself think. Allow yourself to take some quiet time out there to really think about what you want out of life, what lights your soul on fire, what makes YOU truly happy. Take that time to refocus and make firm your foundation. So when you do return to the hustle and bustle you can remind yourself of that feeling in that special place of yours. Those dreams that you hold so dear and that make you glow all happy and warm inside.

Another way that helps me is writing actually. All types of writing. It can be journaling, typing on the computer, blogging, jotting down thoughts… but writing about things you like to write about or thoughts you want to work out on paper. Taking that time to put ideas down into words and giving yourself that step back then to read what you wrote as well. Gratitude journaling is amazing because you are reminded of all the incredible things going on in your life for you. Some days might be harder than others to find something or that silver lining, but it’s there. I have a friend who writes a bullet list of self-love, appreciation, and gratitude phrases every single morning. That is inspiring to me, all the beautiful positivity flowing from that lady. Do what you can, if you need to start out small do that, but look for the good things out there in your life. They are there I promise!

These are just a couple ways that help me. I find when you consciously start to try and make a difference in taking control of your happiness it after a while becomes second nature. If you take the extra time now to go for that detour, that road less traveled there might be some bumps here or there or some glimpses of the mainstream highway at the beginning, but if you plug along, the road will widen and flourish right in front of your eyes. Your road and detour is important. You get to decide your road in life so why not take that detour and find so many adventures along the way? Those surprises are where life happens.



Photo by Michael Holt

31 Comments Add yours

  1. Nadine says:

    Wow this was truly beautiful. I think you are definitely right by saying that we might get more out of life by just using the roads less travelled by. This is where adventure avaits. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      We really do!!! Thank you so much for reading beautiful! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Chocoviv says:

    Writing helps:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful post and I love the road and detour analogies. Seeing the word detour as a positive and not a negative is so important!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes!!! Change of mindset. Thank you for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sometimes the undiscovered country lies in our own hearts and minds. That adventure awaits.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes I couldn’t agree more!!


  5. kattieh says:

    This is a really lovely post. I think it’s really important to get off that treadmill and off the ‘fast track’. Taking things slowly is a good thing to do, otherwise, life will pass you by and you wouldn’t have had the time to enjoy it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes I so agree with you! It’s really important! That’s where life happens! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Kate Murray says:

    LOVE this post!! You’re analogies are right on…the ‘comparisonville’ of social media is so intense. I especially love the tips and advice you’ve offered to go and find the road less traveled…literally. Kudos to you Girlboss!! Thanks for this!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mjaquette says:

      Aaaah thank you so much love!! You’re amazing!


  7. Great post! I love this outlook on life! The road less traveled is my favorite path – both physically and mentally. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes!!! Thank you for reading!!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This post makes a great post. Not everyone’s destination is the same, so why should we expect the road to be? Happiness is only contingent on us, deciding to be happy in the end. And I agree, it can be hard to turn off the voices of others telling us what we NEED to be happy, and just be happy. But it’s definitely doable. Thanks for this 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes yes yes I so agree with you love! Thank you for reading girl! Xoxoxo


  9. So true, I’ve always taken the one with the little detour sign, I don’t have much in the material but have oceans of fabulous memories, still on that road having adventures as I solo travel Asia at 66.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Wow you are so incredible!!! Xoxoxo thank you for sharing!


  10. Lisa Lilles says:

    You’re such a talented writer. I love reading your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Aw thank you so much Lisa!!! You’re so wonderful! Xoxoxo


  11. Laura'sLife 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴 says:

    Interesting post and I agree with you. Love your writing and photography x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Thank you so much for reading! Xoxoxo


  12. says:

    Loved it.
    Love reading your posts.
    Was not able to comment and read because of some busy schedule.
    Keep rocking.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Aw thank you so much! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. says:

        Lot’s of love my friend.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Great post! Your metaphor for life and the traffic jam was very effective. You touch on so many issues in this post; all the pressures and messages we receive that point to a happy life being in a particular direction; the marriage, the job, the money the kids, etc. As you point out, there are so many dangers to this path. not the least of which is the unproductive comparisons to other people. I like how you point out that there could be another path; one that might be an alternative path with its own bumps along the way, but it could be the path that’s right for any particular person based on their unique circumstances. Very well done!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Thank you so much for such a well thought out and written comment. That was beautiful!! I really really appreciate you and your taking the time to read! It’s so important to carve out your path. Xo

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Thank you. I like the idea of keeping a gratitude journal. Making a conscious decision to look at what your life has vs. doesn’t have can help adjust your attitude. Comparing ourselves negatively to others is one of the best ways to make ourselves unhappy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes!! I so agree with all of this. Thank you for reading!


  15. Hannah Read says:

    Great post! You are so, so right. I love the road less travelled – both the physical and the metaphorical one – I think it’s where our most important experiences and memories occur. Life’s too short to be stuck in a traffic jam, right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes yes yes!!! I totally agree with you love!


  16. Frank Dalziel says:

    Awwww. What a superb post! Being in the fisheries field, I’ve always sought the road less travelled; it is in my blood. Lots of those everywhere, for those of us who wish to take them. I’ve always loved the adventure of travelling down small “dead-end” roads just to see what is at the end! It could be a valley with a beautiful stream; it could easily be your lake; or on this Island I’m on, you may always find picturesque views of the inland seas, oceans, and mountains. Beauty everywhere for those willing to take the time, slow down, and find it. The same can be said for life.

    Gratitude journaling is simply a wonderful idea. Why didn’t I think of that a long time ago. Such a beautiful concept, from a beautiful thinker. I’ve been on that big highway and real happiness wasn’t at the end! But I’ve methodically taken every little road I could find, and I’ve been lucky enough to make some fantastic discoveries along the way. We do that in fisheries, and I should have done more of that in life. Thanks again Mikaela for opening my eyes to the beauties of a simple life. It is just so easy to let it pass by! Xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

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