Healthy Emotional Self Care

Our own care is so important… often overlooked and down played, but so important. Our emotional health is not something to be taken lightly…. Often enough we are so ready to help others out and be that support for people that need it or a shoulder to rest on, but often overlook ourselves. I know I do, I quite often put myself after others and sometimes it is good, but there are quite a few times that doing this backfires in my face.


So I wanted to share a list of tips and reminders… reminders that are so important. Reminders so you don’t forget to put yourself first sometimes. It’s not always selfish, it’s necessary. I have collected them over time to remind myself when the going is rough or I’m not feeling too good. Don’t feel bad to take care of yourself. You deserve it and all the love! Remember you cannot pour from an empty cup. You must nourish yourself as well to flourish and grow!


  1. Learn to know your own personal emotions. Know what is best for you in the long run and become in-tune with how you are feeling. Know how to react to things around you as well, if they make you feel a certain way and do what is best and what will make you feel the most at peace in the long run. If that means turning something down or saying no in a situation that is okay. You do you!
  2. Be aware of your language with yourself. The way you speak to yourself, the way you think of yourself, what goes on inside your head…. Be aware and learn how to talk back to the negative thoughts and words. Stand up for yourself even if it is standing up against yourself. We need to be our strongest ally, but most often enough we can become our worst enemy with all the back talk. Learn to become aware of that and fight back to the negativity.
  3. Learn to say yes to/for yourself. Don’t feel bad about giving yourself the ability to do things if they are best for you. You can give yourself grace and cut the slack as well. We are often WAY too hard on ourselves and that has to stop…… So it’s okay to tell yourself yes and be positive instead of always pushing and being hard on ourselves.
  4. Setting boundaries for and even with yourself is totally fine. Share those with others around you too and stand by those boundaries. Don’t let others try to push them or make you feel bad about them. If they are what make you feel better, and calm, and secure in yourself then they are completely fine. You do you and other people can do them.
  5. Gratitude…. Journal about it, make daily lists, but take the time to be thankful. When we take the time to count our blessings for all the wonderful things we have we realize how great our life actually is. Taking the time to acknowledge all the good things really can help calm us. Keep a gratitude journal of all the blessings and things that get you through the day. The little and the big things you are so thankful to have.
  6. Take the time to explore or grow your creative side! This could be any type of art, music, dancing… anything. When we give ourselves some time out of our hectic life to create something lovely it’s like a breath of fresh air. We get to make something beautiful and create a beautiful environment around that moment too! Enjoy that special moment and don’t rush it for anything.
  7. Give yourself some breather breaks; take some rest if you need to! Resting is not stopping, no resting is taking the time you need to recharge before heading right back into the day with even more to give. So if you need to sit down for a bit, find a quiet place to relax, even lie down… do it! Take some you time and some time to recharge. You deserve it!
  8. Be compassionate with yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get everything right the first time. No one is perfect and often the people we label as “perfect” are just sharing the highlights of their lives, we don’t see behind the scenes when they are struggling like every other human out there.
  9. Take the time to enjoy life! To live each moment and be in the moment. Don’t get so overwhelmed with stressors you get tunnel vision and miss out on all the exciting things happening in life! Schedule and even make time if you need to, to just fully enjoy and be in the moment.
  10. Don’t let others make you feel bad for how you are feeling and who you are…. You do you! You should not be apologizing or explaining to others why you are a certain way to make yourself seem less “weird”. No live you life proudly and passionately and the real people will be drawn to you. Don’t EVER apologize for how you are feeling or let anyone belittle how you feel. Everyone is allowed to feel and go through their process and emotions on their time and how they need to. Too often we feel we have to be cookie cutters and when we stand out we suddenly get self-conscious and start back tracking and apologizing. NEVER DO THAT!
  11. Accept yourself. Learn to be your best friend and happy with you. Then you will be untouchable, but also so happy in life. You are amazing and capable of so much! Each of us is unique in our own ways and we should learn to love ourselves and all the fun things that make us…. Us!


These are just a few reminders I tell myself from time to time. We all have days when we struggle a bit more than usual or are more burnt out than usual, but that’s because we’re human. Life throws us curve balls sometimes and if we learn to be secure and our own best friend and ally we can face better what life sends our way! Remember we have to flourish before we help nourish others and we can’t until we nourish ourselves. An empty cup cannot pour any water and a burnt out person can’t be fully there and in the moment because they are in a daze and not themselves completely. Take care of yourself and know that you are incredibly worthy! Xoxo

Happy Monday!





Some ideas loosely taken from:

42 Comments Add yours

  1. Self-talk is such an important thing to keep in mind. We say horrible things to ourselves that we would not even dream of saying to other people. Thank you for this lovely post.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yeah it really is!!! I know i catch myself and it sucks. Thank you! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. janice says:

    Love your post. Great ideas

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post! Becoming aware of my brutal inner self-critic was an eye-opening experience. I couldn’t believe what I was telling myself; realizing that no one else would speak to me that way. It was also impacting my emotional state and choices. However, recognizing those thoughts stopped them in their tracks, and was able to lead me down a new path that was able to serve me better. Well done!


    Liked by 3 people

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yeah I’ve been in the same book!! It’s so important to identify and stop those thoughts! Thank you!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I definitely could learn a thing or two from this. I am my own worst enemy to be honest. We all just need to be nicer to ourselves x


  5. Great information! I’m actually going to schedule your post to be on my FB page later this week!


  6. Another inspiring post! I especially like this part: “Remember you cannot pour from an empty cup. You must nourish yourself as well to flourish and grow!” Have a wonderful Monday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Thank you so much!!! Xoxoxo same to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Jaya Avendel says:

    These are all beautiful points. Emotions can be so delicate, but it is important to understand and identify them without shaming yourself for being human and feeling them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes exactly!! Xoxoxo thank you for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Yes! I wrote about countering a critical inner voice recently, which I was shocked how aggressive I was with myself sometimes. Great tips you’ve shared here!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Thank you!!! It’s so important to be aware! Xoxoxo


  9. mydreamality says:

    Really cheered me up! Thanks for sharing this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yeah of course!!! 🙂


  10. Ljenkins says:

    Yes! Self care is more than bath bombs and wine. It’s emotional awareness and setting boundaries with yourself/others. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yessss exactly!! Miss wine dates with you 🙂


    2. tinkablee says:

      I love this post so much because people are so often quick to forget about caring for themselves as well as for others around them. And there’s nothing I love more than a good bath bomb (along with a face mask) to go with my self-care routine.

      This was such a great post to read, thank you for sharing 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. mjaquette says:

        Thank you so much for reading!! Xoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person

  11. bwithblue says:

    Great post!! I loved the tips you wrote about especially about keeping a journal. As someone who suffers from anxiety and self doubt a lot – i found having somewhere to write down my thoughts helped me to see how far i have come.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yeah it’s really helpful right!? Thank you for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. LottieIsWriting says:

    The first one is so important! I found life a lot easier when I started to properly examine why I was feeling specific emotions, rather than reacting on instinct.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes so important!! Thank you for reading! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Kari Anne Watterson says:

    I love this list, particularly the last. It seems an anomaly — how do we accept and love ourselves? If we’re not quite there yet, can we just decide to do that? I think if we practice the other tips on the list, it will lead to loving and accepting ourselves, and I think that’s what so many of us long for. Thanks so much for this article.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Yes I so agree with you girl!! We have to practice and be aware and know it a journey and process. Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Lanae Bond says:

    What you say to yourself is very important! I am learning not to be hard on myself and to celebrate my growth.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mjaquette says:

      I try to as well!!! Xoxoxo


  15. Excellent post, we can be our own worst enemy at times so great advice. Thankyou

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mjaquette says:

      Thank you! We have to be our best ally!


  16. Live Better says:

    This is such a brilliant post, I relate some much. Thank you for sharing this 😍 followed you x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Thank you so much!! Xoxoxo


  17. Gerard Potvin says:

    self awareness and mindfulness of your own needs. So easily forgotten sometimes. Great advice again, as always.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      It’s so important!!!! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Gerard Potvin says:

        It sure is!


  18. bricuzisaidso says:

    Reblogged this on BRI CUZ.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. julietreview says:

    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post. It’s true. Our self talk can destroy us from the inside out. Taking the time to look after our needs not only will strengthen ourselves but will help us be more able to help others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Exactly!!! I so agree! Thank you for reading! Xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Zoe Meghan says:

    Should a great and positive post! I love reading these kind of post that help me grow and to learn about more ways of loving myself!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mjaquette says:

      Xoxoxo thank you for reading love!


  21. Frank Dalziel says:

    Mikaela, I loved this post from beginning to end! Such great advice to live by! I’ve suffered from depression and burnout. Wishing I had read your words before that happened. I have learned a lot from you and will be eternally grateful.

    Liked by 1 person

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